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GPSoftware French Distribution - France-Festival-Distribution
--------------------------------- -- -  -
After recent actions by FFD, we have officially withdrawn all of our
products and licences from FFD and refuse to let them ever be associated
with any of our products again. I have advised all of my other distributors
that they may not supply FFD with any of our products. Further, being the
copyright holder of trademarks, product names and other copyrights for
our products, we officially withdraw permission for FFD or any associated
company to use the name Directory Opus, GPFax, or GPSoftware in any
advertising or related activities.

Because of unreconciled differences, FFD is no longer a distributor or
reseller of GPSoftware products and GPSoftware will no longer honour
warranty or support for any of our products purchased from FDD after
30th June 1996.

Dr Greg Perry, GPSoftware 11th September 1996 

Converted on 04 Nov 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.2 by Michael Ranner.